Thursday 15 October 2009

Pin Hole Camera

For this project I had to make a Pin Hole camera. A Pin Hole camera is a light prove room/ or box that has a tiny pin sized Hole within the box that projects light onto photo film or light sensitive paper. My Pin Hole camera was made out of a shoe box.

Firstly I had to sceal off all light from the shoe box, to do this I painted the inside of the box, black and the inside of the lid black also. Next I i cut a section of the lid out ready to make the aperture. Once I'd cut the lid out I placed silver foil over the hole and gaffer taped it in place. Lastly I gaffer taped all the edges and pin pricked the foil to allow light into the box which would act as a lens. I created a paper shutter and placed in positioned in place using Gaffer tape.

Once I'd finished making the Pin Hole camera I loaded it with photo sensitive paper and began to take pictures by opening my paper shutter and leaving it for given amount of time before closing the shutter.

to work out how long you need to leave your shutter open you have to work out the F-Stop.
To calculate your cameras F-Stop you have to do the following formula: Focal length divide by Aperture. the pin hole is the aperture and is about 8mm in size. The focal length is the distantance that the photo film is from the aperture.

Focal length
_________ = F-Stop

From this calulation I worked out that it will take 40 minutes to take a picture inside, and 2 mins outside. I worked this by taking a light reading of the areas I wanted to photography first before working out my F-Stop which came to F188.75

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